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Last seen on 10 January


Last seen on 10 January
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1115 kaspikaspi 0% 1.5 15.9% 51%
1116 WynterSolstice0WynterSolstice0 0% 0.55 20.3% 38.4%
1117 Adek ale turekAdek ale turek 0% 0.65 19.7% 48.2%
1118 ReaperStrikeReaperStrike 0% 0.95 18% 39.3%
1119 GhomragGhomrag 0% 0.92 17.2% 33.3%
1120 shishashisha 0% 0.84 17.9% 39.1%
1121 ForcrownForcrown 0% 0.77 18.5% 44.1%
1122 pashpash 0% 0.95 17.7% 35.9%
1123 RedaimRedaim 0% 1 16.5% 46.8%