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Last seen on 10 January


Last seen on 10 January
Seen on 10 January
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
3 Swordfish CrookSwordfish Crook 100% 2 41.7% 36.3%
4 guiltoguilto 100% 2.25 31.3% 46.7%
5 oqiesoqies 100% 4.5 20.3% 39.4%
6 MarsbewonerMarsbewoner 100% 1.78 32% 50.6%
7 BibliokleptBiblioklept 100% 1.54 29.5% 40.2%
8 SquaredSquared 100% 1.95 26.1% 47.5%
9 JoostJoost 100% 3.14 16.7% 45.2%
10 iamchetsiamchets 100% 3.5 12.6% 53.9%
11 Ziggy KrassenbergZiggy Krassenberg 100% 1.53 21.3% 36.1%
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1 aranyos kutyusok vagytokaranyos kutyusok vagytok 49% 0.99 20.3% 39%
2 bratannbratann 49.2% 0.91 21.6% 47.8%
3 Swordfish CrookSwordfish Crook 50.9% 1.15 19.4% 36.3%
4 oqiesoqies 52.3% 1.52 14.5% 39.4%
5 guiltoguilto 53.6% 1.3 19.1% 46.7%
6 BibliokleptBiblioklept 52.8% 1.6 25.5% 40.2%
7 SquaredSquared 50.8% 1.07 22.1% 47.5%
8 iamchetsiamchets 51% 1.09 17.5% 53.9%
9 Ziggy KrassenbergZiggy Krassenberg 52.5% 1.32 19.6% 36.1%
10 its_me_djimmiits_me_djimmi 48.9% 0.98 22% 42.6%