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Last seen on 10 January


Last seen on 10 January
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
8 close game let endclose game let end 51.6% 1.09 19.8% 31.4%
9 ❝Francês❞❝Francês❞ 49.8% 0.96 18.1% 44.7%
10 TOP-1 HS DUELSTOP-1 HS DUELS 60.1% 1.86 19.9% 88.3%
11 ❦ AppE❦ AppE 48.6% 0.86 18.6% 57.6%
12 Land1xLand1x 49.8% 0.94 15.8% 35.8%
13 本当にセックスが好き本当にセックスが好き 50.6% 1.56 25.4% 63.4%
14 LyolikM #FREEDIDDYLyolikM #FREEDIDDY 54.4% 1.29 24.4% 46.7%
15 LyolikkgLyolikkg 50.6% 0.85 21.6% 41.7%
16 M1DoM1Do 52.7% 1.1 22.5% 55.8%