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Last seen on 20 May


Last seen on 20 May
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
6 🕷️SpoderMin🕸🕷️SpoderMin🕸 46.4% 0.45 15.3% 34.6%
7 Deo2Deo2 49.1% 0.59 13% 26.5%
8 Xd pochoXd pocho 57.4% 1.59 20.1% 47.9%
9 Bóbr kurwaBóbr kurwa 50.4% 1.03 16.7% 35%
10 gERRygERRy 52.7% 1.18 25.1% 38%
11 Pr0xxPr0xx 52.2% 1.36 20.7% 56.2%
12 WarChief kochanie<3WarChief kochanie<3 48.9% 1.89 31.6% 19.6%
13 CoastyyyCoastyyy 50.5% 1.04 18% 45%
14 AlexAlex 46.7% 0.64 13.4% 41.1%