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Chèvre à roulettes
Last seen on 8 January

Chèvre à roulettes

Last seen on 8 January
Chèvre à roulettes
Seen on 8 January
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1 ojodelozeojodeloze 48.9% 0.75 11.2% 40.6%
2 Stf @ ichaNNNNN^^Stf @ ichaNNNNN^^ 0% 0 0% 0%
3 FurySnKFurySnK 50.1% 0.88 21.5% 40.7%
4 Chèvre à roulettesChèvre à roulettes 49.4% 0.9 22.3% 32.3%
5 captain bananacaptain banana 45.2% 0.85 19% 30.6%
6 MOBILUSMOBILUS 50% 0.82 14.8% 43.9%
7 папа где-топапа где-то 51.1% 1.25 22.1% 51%