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United States
Last seen on 8 January
United States


Last seen on 8 January
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
257 MkeiMkei 0% 0.39 20.3% 48.5%
258 BeeweeBeewee 0% 0.6 19.3% 25.4%
259 Ted MosbyTed Mosby 0% 0.31 20.8% 37.5%
260 diecrabadiecraba 0% 0.31 20.6% 38.3%
261 SlimeSlime 0% 0.57 19.2% 43.8%
262 clingclack7clingclack7 0% 1 17.4% 45.8%
263 the trashmanthe trashman 0% 0.54 17.9% 40%
264 KingKing 0% 0.54 18.2% 34.8%
265 ksawksaw 0% 0.79 16.7% 54.5%
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1 i just lost my dawgi just lost my dawg 51.3% 1.23 20.4% 41.1%
2 RuzzRuzz 52.3% 1 19.9% 36%
3 Joe BidenJoe Biden 60.6% 1.74 24.4% 33.8%
4 SlimeSlime 48.8% 0.85 19.9% 43.8%
5 KidKing_^KidKing_^ 57.3% 1.2 20.3% 48.5%
6 GehlGehl 54.2% 1.44 24.2% 48.6%
7 TwizzlerTwizzler 51.6% 1.18 20.1% 32%
8 prepubescent metropolisprepubescent metropolis 51.3% 1.41 24.6% 40.4%