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zero emotions 감정
Last seen on 23 March

zero emotions 감정

Last seen on 23 March
zero emotions 감정
Seen on 23 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
455 RESTAЯTRESTAЯT 100% 0.7 24% 42.2%
456 Mlf HunterMlf Hunter 100% 1.73 19.2% 58.4%
457 dakodako 100% 1.57 20.2% 46.9%
458 semiramissemiramis 100% 0.66 25% 47.5%
459 zero emotions 감정zero emotions 감정 100% 0.92 22.9% 45.7%
460 SoupSoup 100% 0.69 24.5% 37.6%
461 Kalleballe1337Kalleballe1337 100% 0.71 24.4% 46%
462 GhostGhost 100% 1.25 21.8% 49.6%
463 GDTGDT 100% 2.5 15.8% 38.1%