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Maryland / ElectricSoap

Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1 exten-zexten-z 50.4% 0.93 22.9% 36.4%
2 ElectricSoapElectricSoap 49.5% 0.68 19.8% 31.2%
3 TyGuyTyGuy 50.6% 0.95 20.8% 26.4%
4 46 thousand rounds of dust246 thousand rounds of dust2 52.1% 1.2 19.6% 34.5%
5 FlowchartsFlowcharts 50.2% 1.13 17.7% 40.4%
6 Michael SchickelgruberMichael Schickelgruber 48.2% 0.69 16.5% 38.5%