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United States / Jampson

Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
103 Brook TimberBrook Timber 100% 1 22% 41.2%
104 BEZDARIBEZDARI 100% 1.03 22% 51.1%
105 Mane240h'zMane240h'z 100% 0.86 22.2% 44.7%
106 extrasensoryextrasensory 100% 1.88 16.2% 27.9%
107 Alpha_EgOAlpha_EgO 100% 1.12 20.5% 42.7%
108 MelodicaGirlMelodicaGirl 100% 1.53 18.4% 58.2%
109 RussianrocketeerRussianrocketeer 100% 1.22 19.2% 27.9%
110 Stormz23Stormz23 100% 1.41 18% 30.9%
111 JampsonJampson 100% 1.75 15.8% 42.5%
112 gvthorgvthor 100% 1.2 18.7% 27.8%
113 himhimhimhimhimhim 100% 0.93 20% 44.4%
114 lewsonlewson 100% 1.33 18% 44.6%
115 PouchinniePouchinnie 100% 1.67 16.3% 39.5%
116 Azzy The SnazzyAzzy The Snazzy 100% 1.1 19.5% 42.9%
117 NastychainNastychain 100% 1.29 17.7% 31.1%
118 GoldRokstarGoldRokstar 100% 1.45 16.7% 32.5%
119 IMightSwerveHitThatCornerWhoaoooIMightSwerveHitThatCornerWhoaooo 100% 1.11 18.9% 41.4%
120 The BatmanThe Batman 100% 2.06 13.2% 33.6%