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empire referral image

Unknown / Mysterion

Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
707 STUPID RUSKIESTUPID RUSKIE 100% 0.69 14.8% 23.7%
708 friccmanfriccman 100% 0.42 15.6% 52.5%
709 aint no way ***********aint no way *********** 100% 2 7.5% 34.1%
710 ? | Kvik? | Kvik 100% 1.48 10.9% 44.3%
711 bastardbastard 100% 2 8.1% 48.2%
712 LuTeMaLuTeMa 100% 0.75 13.9% 41.3%
713 TWITCH.TV/NWCU_CoceTWITCH.TV/NWCU_Coce 100% 1.29 11.7% 58%
714 ПИВНОЙ ЛОВЕЛАСПИВНОЙ ЛОВЕЛАС 100% 2.17 6.7% 55.4%
715 MysterionMysterion 100% 1.18 10.9% 35.1%
716 RimboRimbo 100% 1.39 10.5% 35.6%
717 still trying to bhopstill trying to bhop 100% 0.96 12.4% 43%
718 ВЛАДЫКА 666ВЛАДЫКА 666 100% 1.11 11.7% 60.6%
719 twitch ezppztwitch ezppz 100% 1 12.3% 52%
720 NecromancerNecromancer 100% 0.88 12.6% 46.4%
721 SoræSoræ 100% 1.19 11.4% 46.3%
722 †21UFO21††21UFO21† 100% 0.65 13.7% 54.5%
723 RelaktesRelaktes 100% 0.77 13% 45.7%
724 TripSisTripSis 100% 0.94 12.6% 39.5%