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Imperial Agent Rex
Last seen on 23 March

Imperial Agent Rex

Last seen on 23 March
Imperial Agent Rex
Seen on 23 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
74 vikkiboovikkiboo 0% 0.61 28.4% 26.9%
75 MaxpweMaxpwe 0% 1.35 23.8% 26.6%
76 ombi4ombi4 0% 1 25.6% 41.9%
77 KiLAnKiLAn 0% 1.67 21.9% 45.7%
78 Imperial Agent RexImperial Agent Rex 0% 0.86 26.1% 26.9%
79 6ensei6ensei 0% 1.29 23.4% 33.1%
80 уставший паучокуставший паучок 0% 0.95 25.6% 36.9%
81 cowcow 0% 1.46 21.9% 45.2%
82 prosto dedprosto ded 0% 1 24.3% 22.4%
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1 󠀡󠀡  󠀡󠀡 48.7% 0.88 21.6% 33.1%
2 TsunaTsuna 49.5% 0.86 17.2% 46.1%
3 あなたは私を引きずり下ろしていますあなたは私を引きずり下ろしています 49.7% 1.02 16.7% 45.7%
4 Imperial Agent RexImperial Agent Rex 53.5% 1.2 19.6% 26.9%
5 дикие слюнидикие слюни 48.4% 0.73 14.7% 51.8%
6 Aro19_Aro19_ 51.7% 1.08 20.1% 55%
7 pin senisapin senisa 50.7% 1.07 20% 44.2%
8 sqwixxzs|gothlullabysqwixxzs|gothlullaby 49.1% 0.92 18.6% 48.8%