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Last seen on 16 March


Last seen on 16 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
17 Mozart777Mozart777 52.8% 1.8 23.3% 49.2%
18 hellhoundhellhound 51.7% 1.36 27.2% 48.9%
19 LemoshaLemosha 53.4% 0.95 23% 43.9%
20 Croppy死霊Croppy死霊 50% 1.09 20.5% 42.2%
21 p.drillap.drilla 51.9% 1.1 17.5% 37%
22 MizugaiyaMizugaiya 53% 1.13 18% 31.4%
23 nevermindnevermind 52% 1.19 24.8% 57.1%
24 MisericordelMisericordel 52.9% 1.33 27.7% 36.8%
25 基邦基邦 48.9% 0.82 20.3% 46.1%