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Last seen on 9 January


Last seen on 9 January
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
122 TaS g4skinsTaS g4skins 0% 0.63 25.4% 45.5%
123 MajkelMajkel 0% 0.87 24.2% 45.1%
124 BRDYBRDY 0% 0.6 24.2% 37%
125 1likmi11likmi1 0% 1.33 20.8% 49.2%
126 sandaczsandacz 0% 0.7 23.5% 43.9%
127 jaboljabol 0% 1.2 21% 42.4%
128 onetap 4 youonetap 4 you 0% 0.61 24.4% 48.3%
129 KkkKkk 0% 0.6 22.6% 52.8%
130 Inari AlmaInari Alma 0% 1.23 19.5% 41.4%
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1 konfikonfi 48.9% 1.11 20.3% 39.7%
2 sandaczsandacz 50.5% 0.98 23.1% 43.9%