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Last seen on 15 March


Last seen on 15 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
11 ✯Stab✯✯Stab✯ 100% 0.88 25.3% 43.2%
12 Mr.ZuugMr.Zuug 100% 0.81 24.5% 56.5%
13 n3ophyten3ophyte 100% 1.09 22.6% 40.2%
14 johan1213johan1213 100% 1.05 20.5% 39.1%
15 FredzzFredzz 100% 1.22 19.6% 61.3%
16 LarsenLarsen 100% 1 19.1% 29.9%
17 RealCarlRealCarl 100% 1.05 17.9% 44.4%
18 Fenex bandit.ggFenex bandit.gg 100% 1 18.4% 66.2%
19 ♛PIV-missen♛♛PIV-missen♛ 100% 0.55 16.2% 44%
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
5 FrygtindgydendeFrygtindgydende 50.4% 1.14 22.2% 44.1%
6 AlfredfifadkAlfredfifadk 48.4% 0.91 19.1% 45.9%
7 Litl snekLitl snek 51% 1.41 20.7% 46.9%
8 BIGDADDY | Bloodycase.comBIGDADDY | Bloodycase.com 50.9% 1.08 21.7% 55.8%
9 FredzzFredzz 54.3% 1.28 23.5% 61.3%
10 RealCarlRealCarl 47.7% 0.85 17.5% 44.4%
11 Fenex bandit.ggFenex bandit.gg 52.6% 1.59 25.4% 66.2%
12 3.4 inches3.4 inches 49.5% 0.87 20.2% 29.1%
13 Destroy Lonely [Opium Peek]Destroy Lonely [Opium Peek] 39.3% 0.78 20.3% 28.7%