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United States
Last seen on 23 March
United States


Last seen on 23 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
95 Fainted69Fainted69 100% 0.54 25.3% 39.8%
96 King VonKing Von 100% 1.06 22.2% 34.4%
97 SpecialGiraffeSpecialGiraffe 100% 1.54 19.4% 45.4%
98 ratelimitratelimit 100% 1.16 21.4% 49.5%
99 EratousthEratousth 100% 0.85 22.4% 36.1%
100 WickedWicked 100% 2.46 15.1% 26.6%
101 SidSid 100% 1.08 22% 50.7%
102 Discord_MistakeDiscord_Mistake 100% 1.02 21.5% 32%
103 Brook TimberBrook Timber 100% 1 22% 41.2%
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1 ZaltZalt 57.3% 1.59 17.6% 51.4%
2 Kamala HarrisKamala Harris 54.3% 0.92 25.8% 34.5%
3 Pleb KingPleb King 51.1% 1.2 21.8% 42.3%
4 ZomagorasZomagoras 51.2% 1.51 23.2% 40.2%
5 MaranMaran 51.2% 1.08 22.9% 27.3%
6 EratousthEratousth 70.3% 1.04 23.6% 36.1%
7 extrasensoryextrasensory 52.8% 1.19 20.9% 27.9%
8 Wutang BrevinWutang Brevin 51% 1.51 17.7% 47.7%
9 gr1ksgr1ks 52.3% 1.7 26.3% 34.7%
10 ShaunShaun 51.5% 1.07 21.7% 38.8%