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United States
Last seen on 26 March
United States


Last seen on 26 March
Seen on 26 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
14 ZexicoreZexicore 53.1% 1.25 25.2% 40.5%
15 ✪ pink✪ pink 49.1% 0.73 22.7% 35.4%
16 .. 53.5% 1.08 16.8% 37.5%
17 Layne StaleyLayne Staley 57.9% 1.62 25.1% 39.1%
18 hotbutterytoasthotbutterytoast 49.7% 0.93 21.6% 27.3%
19 Не Обязан ОСАСУСЬНе Обязан ОСАСУСЬ 51.4% 1.15 16.4% 50.9%
20 Dollie ♥Dollie ♥ 47.4% 0.49 16.9% 28.4%
21 ЗлОй_КлОуНЗлОй_КлОуН 56.1% 1.36 27.3% 49.9%
22 jasonjason 53.1% 0.94 20.3% 35.4%