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United States
Last seen on 19 March
United States


Last seen on 19 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
61 LULZLULZ 100% 2.12 25.3% 42.9%
62 Gorrest FumpGorrest Fump 100% 1.24 28.9% 36.6%
63 BamBam 100% 2.17 24.3% 42.1%
64 ScubaScuba 100% 1.27 28.4% 35.2%
65 XorainXorain 100% 0.69 31.3% 59.2%
66 borkbork 100% 1.44 27.1% 29.5%
67 HawkeyeHawkeye 100% 1.13 28.1% 42.1%
68 bachir gemayelbachir gemayel 100% 1.4 27.3% 50.2%
69 Chicken GnocchiChicken Gnocchi 100% 1.5 25.5% 39.8%
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1 GarshmelGarshmel 50.8% 1.03 21.4% 49.8%
2 XorainXorain 47.9% 0.93 18% 59.2%
3 PulguentoPulguento 50.4% 0.98 19.6% 36.5%
4 NBAWainNBAWain 49% 0.93 22.5% 31.1%
5 Kuningas VonKuningas Von 47.5% 0.89 18.9% 47%
6 Jeffrey PesosJeffrey Pesos 47% 0.74 16.2% 45.3%