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Last seen on 23 March


Last seen on 23 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1079 fentanylfentanyl 0% 0.53 29.4% 44.4%
1080 HaloFa1con17HaloFa1con17 0% 0.35 30.4% 46.4%
1081 herher 0% 0.7 28.6% 33.5%
1082 sa invatsa invat 0% 1.33 25.6% 43%
1083 Staskus_Staskus_ 0% 1.04 26.4% 43.3%
1084 Dark WolfDark Wolf 0% 0.95 26.9% 36.9%
1085 ClancyClancy 0% 1.31 25.1% 49.8%
1086 LexxxLexxx 0% 0.38 29.9% 47.6%
1087 MishzelMishzel 0% 1.09 26.5% 41.3%