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Last seen on 25 March


Last seen on 25 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
1567 nemzzznemzzz 0% 0.41 13.5% 51.1%
1568 AvatoAvato 0% 0.79 12% 40.4%
1569 wiljack13wiljack13 0% 0.92 11.4% 50.5%
1570 chuchu 0% 1.17 9.8% 47.4%
1571 xoroshxorosh 0% 0.93 11.4% 56.4%
1572 Edi09Edi09 0% 0.23 15% 38.7%
1573 vincevince 0% 0.5 12% 43.6%
1574 Mr.JinglesMr.Jingles 0% 0.8 11.4% 36.8%
1575 LasardLasard 0% 0.54 12% 38%