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Last seen on 18 March


Last seen on 18 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
677 nuJnuJ 100% 0.8 15.6% 42%
678 vovanvovan 100% 0.71 16.6% 53.5%
679 Amp0lixAmp0lix 100% 0.93 15.8% 42%
680 CXNTURYCXNTURY 100% 0.5 17.8% 46%
681 .. 100% 0.85 15.3% 47.5%
682 tony_farellotony_farello 100% 1.27 14.1% 54.5%
683 no gunno gun 100% 0.65 16% 28.7%
684 cinucinu 100% 0.34 17.3% 45.2%
685 karasiniokarasinio 100% 0.28 17.1% 30.9%