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United States
Last seen on 27 March
United States


Last seen on 27 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
16 j4v1n0j4v1n0 51.3% 0.99 23.7% 34.2%
17 SamSam 53.3% 1.54 16.6% 50.1%
18 ArtifactArtifact 50.1% 0.92 15.9% 30.8%
19 AustyAusty 52% 1.12 19.6% 40.9%
20 KilluaKillua 51.3% 0.97 20.7% 39.3%
21 The FluThe Flu 34.6% 0.29 7% 25.7%
22 CheeseCheese 45.4% 0.89 17.6% 36.1%
23 Fort of Hard KnoxFort of Hard Knox 51.2% 1.39 21.9% 36.5%
24 [RD] Jenny-XJ9[RD] Jenny-XJ9 49.7% 0.75 16.6% 23.3%