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Last seen on 16 March
United States


Last seen on 16 March
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
25 🔥 twitch.tv/D1ssA98🔥 twitch.tv/D1ssA98 100% 0.75 50% 44.8%
26 i just lost my dawgi just lost my dawg 100% 1.93 43.5% 41.1%
27 Dżejson-MałyszDżejson-Małysz 100% 2 42.9% 37.6%
28 SynixSynix 100% 1.06 44.4% 27.5%
29 JanusJanus 100% 1.44 42.9% 39.6%
30 NzumeNzume 100% 1.5 42.9% 47.3%
31 GuggleGutFartGuggleGutFart 100% 2.83 34.6% 28.5%
32 emotional boyemotional boy 100% 0.77 45.5% 33%
33 Wet Sox On CoxWet Sox On Cox 100% 1.87 38.3% 47.1%
Rank* Name Win Rate K/D Ratio Accuracy Headshot
4 CyrusCyrus 48.8% 1 22% 33.8%
5 Mr_Ketchup1Mr_Ketchup1 51.9% 0.81 23.7% 39.7%
6 AdoinkAdoink 50.8% 0.99 23% 30.8%
7 🔥 twitch.tv/D1ssA98🔥 twitch.tv/D1ssA98 49% 1.04 20.8% 44.8%
8 JanusJanus 51.7% 1.2 20.9% 39.6%
9 GuggleGutFartGuggleGutFart 51.6% 1.01 16.3% 28.5%
10 Wet Sox On CoxWet Sox On Cox 50.3% 1.15 21% 47.1%
11 VoidVoid 51.6% 0.97 22.7% 39.4%
12 #1 Creed fan#1 Creed fan 55.1% 1.37 24.5% 69.2%